

Do you all have projects that you start and never finish? Is your Pinterest full of Boards with unfulfilled crafts and recipes? I know mine is!

Here’s a couple of goals I’d like to accomplish by this time next year…

1-I have the Goodreads app and love saving books to my “to read” shelf so that I’ll be sure not to forget I want to read them in the future. I currently have about 125 books saved to this shelf that I’d like to read but honestly, they’ve been sitting there for a couple of years. I would love to read at least ten of those books by this time next year. I know, ten sounds like a small number but I’m not a fast reader and I pretty much only read at night before bed so it takes me a while to finish just one.

2- This goal is short but not so simple…I’d like to lose twenty five to thirty pounds by this time next year. I know how to do it, it’s just a matter of getting off my ass and actually following through. Good luck to me!


3- I’d like to get my own little shop on etsy or some other site where I can sell my crochet Christmas trees and other creations. I’d also like to have quite a few made up so I could sell them at a craft fair in the Fall. I’d also like to finish at least two projects I have saved on my crochet board.

Now the hard part…Remembering I even have goals! LOL


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2 Responses to Goals…

  1. Kissing Fish says:

    You can reach your goals! I’ll be on the sidelines cheering you on!

    Liked by 1 person

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